What comes to your mind when you hear “natural colors”?


Green, brown, light blue… yes, we can say these are popular natural colors mostly, but we are disposed to forget about the spectacular variety of the color palettes created by the mother nature. It is able to provide bright and vivid colors in every shade of the rainbow, just take a look at a sunset, a flower garden or the rainbow itself.
But what is our reason to use natural colors?


Make visitors feel quite familiar when come to a new website, look at a logo, business card, creative material, … And it is helpful when we talk about business: you have one more chance to be remembered, because the visitors will call back “that business card with that nice feeling”, and you have bigger chance to make a deal. That’s how a visitor can become a costumer.
You can find food, hair color with signs “natural colors”, “natural paint” – it is because the reason why we mentioned before, and beacuse naturalness is healthy! A purple jelly bean which had been painted with beetroot won’t hurt your stomach as much as a jelly with artificial paint, a natural haircolor won’t destroy your hair as much as the artificial ones.


And this is great in design! Why? Because people can take the word “healthy” tangible in this way, and won’t just blink on the expression “healty design”! Take a look at our references, to see how we use the natural colors in our project. 


In the next weeks you can read about single colors – first will be orange! It is going to be a summer-feeling even if outside is cold, 🙂


Are you also interested in how our colleagues from the team “Website BURGER” work, than take a look at websiteburger.com website.